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    Hello World

    And welcome to my world
    as we digitize through various webs
    The rule of reflection in the Mandelbrot set plays
    with us the game of pendulum going back and forth
    and in this space I try to portray my side of things

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    Diving into the lines of time

    As it shapes the space and makes us
    wonder, freeze, mesmerized before the constant change as we hopelessly try to stand still
    in the face of absolute impossibility

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    We assemble the reality with small pieces of memories

    imprinting the lines, the steps, the genes
    the deeds as they echo through the mysterious

Internal world at the intersections of visual, musical written

Humanity has witnessed the Industrial age, followed by an Information age and now we are privileged to have the opportunity to enter an age of Inspiration — the ‘Third I’ with its boundless possibilities and potential, more than we ever thought possible. You and I can ask what is it that drives our civilisation? Is it our instinct for survival, a yearning for stability or maybe even a desire for mastery over the environment for better (or, unfortunately, in some cases, for worse)? Direction on an individual and on a societal level can often be determined by what inspires us the most and I believe that much of what drives us forward is Inspiration.

With the decline of institutional structures and specialisations, the projects we create as individuals are becoming ever more important and point to a sustainable future. A major phenomenon that has emerged in recent years — the open source movement — is a key enabler for creative individuals and it acts as a driving force to accelerate progress. I firmly believe that by combining the insight and talent of the individual with the infinite pool of open source we are creating something extraordinary and when we look back from some point in 2100 the open source movement will be recognised as an essential component in the march towards exponential change, providing the means for unique projects that will write the history of the future. Now it is up to each of us to seize the opportunity to explore, to create and to reach beyond the stars and in so doing inspire not only those around us but future generations.

Mandelbrot set as a meassure to inspire

The core method of intelligence is in actual patterns formation and recognition of the same. I believe that Universe is pure intelligence, and we all play some part in it. Our creations as Artists, because I believe that we are all artists, open the door to infinite dimensions, expanding our internal space towards higher awareness. The following NOW and KNOWLEDGE links I want to share what occupies my attention NOW in case you share similar/same "obsessions" and want to collaborate and also I want to share my recommendations relating to books and tools

Now Knowledge

Current Art/Tech Projects

Series of 30 paintings and 30 writings that correspond to 30 Goldberg variations by Bach, performed by Irina Ideas